Talos devant une vitrine

The intelligent and robust protective curtain for !

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Talos in the news

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Make your property unattractive to criminals!

Talos™, your custom-made security element for ATMs or Bancomats with the aim of making physical attacks repulsive to criminals.
Its concept is to preserve the cash withdrawal service to the population by equipping the ATMs with this "armor" that still allows accessibility to people who want to possess cash.
Talos™ becomes virtually invincible against criminals who want to steal the contents of ATMs by blowing them up.

Homme qui soude des pièces de Talos

100% Swiss Made

We are proud that Talos™ is 100% Swiss Made. Every step from design to production is meticulously carried out in Switzerland. We make it a point of honor to comply with Swiss and European quality standards.
With a focus on the safety of people and property, we ensure that every product we deliver offers unrivalled peace of mind. Using carefully selected materials, we are committed to providing products that are durable, hard-wearing and at the cutting edge of technological innovation.


A solution for every situation!

To meet your need to protect an ATM, a 24-hour zone or a shop window, we offer a range of customized models. For each situation, we offer a unique approach to solving your needs.
We'll be happy to present you with a security system tailored to your specific environment, avoiding any constraints on your existing operations.
Whether you're looking for a discreet, elegant result, or an extremely robust configuration for outdoor use, Talos™ can adapt to you.

Tête colossale d'un jeune, vestige d'une statue grecque, exposée au Metropolitan Museum of Art de New York. Photo par Levi Meir Clancy

Talos, from myth
to reality

In Greek mythology, Talos is a giant robot made of bronze designed by Hephaestus, the God of technology, to protect the island of Crete from intruders at the request of King Minos.
Talos went around the island three times a day looking for attackers. He threw huge rocks to sink their ships. If some of them reached the shore, he would expose his bronze body to fire and crush them against his chest.
Today Talos™ has become a reality in the form of a steel giant. He may not attack intruders, but he will repel them, protecting your DAB.